Business model? Why bother?

  1. In the end a well constructed model will save you time, money and minimise your risks.
  2. Not everyone is a natural “business” thinker; you up your game by having a clear model.
  3. It’s a fiercely competitive world and old models go out of date quickly.
  4. Good models are a great way of getting your staff engaged, committed and focused.
  5. It’s a faster way of testing out new ideas and it’s safer.
  6. Your model helps you demonstrate to others (suppliers, bankers, partners and customers) that you really do know what you’re doing.
  7. Having a clear model boosts your confidence and overall well being.
  8. You are more likely to identify a unique product or service to help you stand out from the crowd.
  9. You’ll have a deeper understanding of how your business actually works.
  10. You can avoid being the busy fool who is so busy working in your business that you can’t work on your business.
  11. You’ll definitely stand a better chance of leaving the competition behind.
  12. The chances of being truly entrepreneurial are vastly increased.
  13. See the image here Business model canvass

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